Tuesday, November 07, 2006

oh politics... & religion

Well, though he may have lost every Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Atheist vote – Rick Perry remains our governor.

I’m going back to our class discussion – which was difficult because though we’re trying to talk about cosmopolitanism, in this circumstance, we’re talking about religion. I’m not trying to say that I don’t like talking about religion. I do, very much so. Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity – I enjoy reading and discussing all of the above – because I believe this is what truly matters – to answer the question of what our purpose is here on earth…

But I guess we’re talking more about Rick Perry. I respect what Perry said, because he was being honest. He could have worked on how he worded it, and bringing such opinions into his last campaigning weekend might not have been the brightest move… but he said what his heart trusts to be true.

The thing that he said that, to me, was very disappointing was his response.

“Before we get into Buddha and all the others, I get a little confused there. But the fact is that we live in a pluralistic world but our faith is real personal. And my Christian faith teaches that the way is through Jesus Christ.”

“I get a little confused there.” Did he really say that? Did the governor of our state really make a strange reference to Buddha, and allude to “all the others?” Not only does this make him seem unintelligent, it makes Christians seem misguided, narrow-minded, and uninterested in what other people believe.

I feel like I’ve very off topic.

I’m struggling with this whole cosmopolitanism thing… which probably means I should read the book. Well, though I am completely at fault for ordering it so late in the semester, it should be coming in tomorrow. I do look forward to reading it. Yay.

In the mean time, I guess this is how I’m exploring cosmopolitanism this holiday season. Check these out, give back the blessings you’ve been given. These are Christian ministries, I’m sure you could find similar ones that are not evangelical if you don’t want to participate in that… We have such a great opportunity to give, let’s do it!

Local: http://www.ugmdallas.org/youhelp/index.htm

Global: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/OCC.asp?MPGID=1

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